Retirement is a next level of age period where the person isn’t associated with company or business after the age level. By continue to receive the financial benefit every month, the life goes on smoothly. However, it depends on the condition of home and other circumstances. Many people after retirement keep travelling or visit any place to reside permanently and keep doing things. Moreover, many prefer considering to follow the passion which wasn’t completed during the period before retirement. One such passion is blogging. For many, blogging is passion, but for others it is a source of income.
You can blog about your experience of life till date, travel, casinos, food or any other activity you love to do. Tracy Luttrell is one such retired blogger who loves blogging and share experience of her life. An adventurous in nature, she loves travelling, running and other activities. Her blog describes about her life in 20s which is inspiring.
Let us check the benefits of blogging:
Pursuing your Passion:
One of the benefits of blogging after retirement is to follow the passion of sharing and helping people. Whether you blog about food, travel or your life experience, it is one way of pursuing passion. You’ll be getting feedback for your write ups that can be helpful for your further writing.
Continue to Indulge:
Even if you are retired, it is better to stay indulged into blogging activity that help your mind to keep thinking that rather than staying empty mind. Your mind will keep running on next topic and how it should be authored.
Blogging helps in increasing your visibility among followers and unknown people. This is one way of influencing your work to others and making them to follow you.
Getting an Expert Status:
It is witnessed that writers who post regularly about different topics are regarded as experts in the field. It is good to post and share knowledge among readers.
Source of Earning:
One of the benefits of blogging is to earn extra. Many blogs which post on specific niche are approached by companies for ad space, which is a good way to earn money. After retirement, apart from regular pension, earning blogging is one way of extra source that can very beneficial.
Sharing about your golden years with followers and readers will allow them to get inspired by a good life you had. In fact, if you love travelling, then showcase why golden years is the time to travel. According to Tracy, travel as much as you can and share the experience with people around you, to help them follow it during their golden years.
Live a good and happening life even after your retirement that will help you to keep going for long term.