When You Need To Change Web Hosting Provider

A website is becoming a necessity to every company, big or small, as there is a huge market to reach out to in the online world and you need a website to tap into this huge place. When you own a website, the most important thing to take note of is the web hosting provider because without the provider, there is no website.

So let’s say you have your website up and running already and somehow, something doesn’t seem right with the back end. If this happens, it could be a sign that you need to change your web hosting provider. The question now is, how can you spot the signs that you need to change your web hosting provider? Well, let’s take a look at some below:


Growing Demands of Company Website

If and when your company starts to grow, then you’ll need to expand your website as well. When that happens, then there are some features that you might want and need to add to your website. The thing about doing it is that such features must be supported by your website’s back end. In that case, your web hosting provider must be able to provide you with a back end that can support those new functions that you want. If they don’t, then you may want to switch over to a new provider that offers better features.

Lack of Storage Space

Another reason that you may want to change web hosting providers is lack of storage space. When you make enhancements for your website due to expansion, then you need a higher storage space to upload all of your things. If your current web hosting provider can give you more storage space at a good price, then you can still retain them but if not, you may want to consider vying for other options.

Price Changes Over Time/Better Deals

The most obvious thing to consider is, of course, a better deal outside. When you run a business, you’re there to make money and in order to make more money, you have to save. If you can find yourself a better deal on web hosting that costs you less, consider switching. You still have to make sure that you can still get good features for your website. Don’t base your choice just on price but rather, the quality of the service and the price.

Switching from One Provider to Another

In the event that you do want to switch providers, you can’t just junk your current one and switch to another. For that, I’d advise you to brush up on some tips on how to switch from one hosting provider to another. One of the rising hosting providers is Siteground. If you check out some of the reviews of Siteground hosting, you’ll see that there is so much good feedback from the public. If you want to put up a good website for your business, then you might want to check out this hosting provider.

Small Businesses: Dedicated Hosting vs. Cloud Hosting

In order for a small business to thrive in today’s competitive market, entrepreneurs must keep up with the times in terms of technology. What technology would benefit a small business best? Depending on the tasks needed to be handled every day, cloud hosting may or may not be the most cost-efficient solution.


What Is Dedicated Hosting?

For those who run online businesses and need a high-traffic server without spending thousands on their own, dedicated hosting is the road to choose. A dedicated server is a server that a company can rent exclusively for the use of their website. No one else is able to use that server besides the company renting it, which allows for a company to have access to higher quality equipment without the cost. Don’t be fooled, though, as clouds can also offer something similar.

What Is Cloud Hosting?

A top Google employee first mentioned cloud computing in 2006. This type of hosting allowed an unlimited number of people, companies, and devices to function as a single structure. There are many servers that the cloud hosting can depend on, whereas server solutions can only guarantee one device.

A server solution is one physical piece of equipment and the cloud is a virtual hosting service that can be accessed by many, even outside of the local network. There are multiple types of cloud hosting to ensure that you get the most bang out of your buck.

Cloud Hosting Options

There are three types of cloud storage options including server, private, and hybrid. For small businesses that want to eventually migrate fully into the cloud, a hybrid option is a great way to dip your toes in the water. Hybrid allows dedicated servers with the fluidity of the cloud. Small businesses that wish to collaborate with others inside or outside the company should consider cloud hosting.

The Performance of Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated servers have proven to have a higher performance, even when it comes to the dollar comparison. When choosing CWCS dedicated hosting services, a dedicated server can be properly configured, which allows for a fast and efficient performance. In hosting, there is something called disk I/O. In simple terms, this is the amount of time is takes for a computation to occur. I/O stands for input/output.

With a shared cloud network, disk I/O can be reduced because cloud networks are typically shared, allowing multiple people and companies to be on the same network. This can slow down the input and output computations and promotes unpredictable I/O patterns. For the networking technicians within a company, this can be a nightmare, especially when the tasks are more advanced. Private cloud networks can vastly improve the disk I/O speed.

Even though clouds give expandable storage, they don’t promise faster storage. Dedicated servers can create a faster performance. For smaller businesses that have simple tasks at hand, dealing with the unpredictability of the cloud is just too much to worry about. Dedicated hosting is reliable and safe, especially with the right provider.